Wolf Run Studio - Wild Animals
Bill Harrah
Wolf Run Studio
P.O. Box 444
Clifton VA 20124

(703) 250-6711
(703) 764-9204





CHIPMUNKS (Click on an image to see the actual notecard size)
#CMK-500 Notecards Only
Also available in Notecard Assortment Packs #AST-501, #AST-502 & #AST-505

The Eastern Chipmunk is found throughout most of the eastern half of the United States and the eastern half of Canada. Habitats include sparse forests, brushy areas, and gardens. Favorite foods include nuts especially hazelnuts and beechnuts, fruits, berries, seeds, flower bulbs, and insects.

Chipmunks are ground-dwelling squirrels. Their elaborate burrows include many tunnels and chambers, with several concealed entrances. Off the main corridor are several food storerooms. And somewhere, well below frost level, is a nest cushioned with roots and chipped up dry leaves.

In April, mature females give birth to litters of three to six young. Females born the prior year might not give birth until July or August. Young from spring litters usually have enough time to dig their own burrows, but young from summer litters will probably spend the winter with mom.

During hot summer days, chipmunks stay below ground in their cool dens. Then, from September through November, they work hard gathering food supplies for winter. Food is carried to their underground pantries in outsized cheek pouches. Chipmunks partially hibernate in the winter, but wake frequently to feed. On warm winter days they may leave their burrows.

Text © 1995 Dianne Harrah, Drawing © 1995 Bill Harrah.

Copyright Notice
Drawings Copyright © 1992-2013 Bill Harrah, Wolf Run Studio (SM), All Rights Reserved. Wolf Run Studio is a service mark of Bill Harrah and has been in continuous use since 1992. All of the images on this website are in tangible form and are fully copyrighted. Each has an invisible digital identification which is traceable through the Digimarc Corporation. Viewers of the Wolf Run Studio website are allowed to browse and print out images for personal, non-commercial use only. You may not distribute copies of images or image files to anyone else for any reason. Images may not be reproduced or used in any form or any manner, or displayed on any website without the express written consent of Bill Harrah.

Text Copyright © 1992-2013 Terry White or Dianne Harrah. Text on this website is used with permission from the authors. Viewers of the Wolf Run Studio website are allowed to browse and print out text for personal, non-commercial use only. Text may not be reproduced or used in any form or any manner without the express written consent of the authors.

Information Accuracy
The information for the written description of each animal has been carefully researched by the authors and is believed to be accurate. New scientific observations, however, could make some information out-of-date. If you are a professional zoologist, and have new information that you are willing to share, please contact Dianne Harrah .